
4 Elements

See on My wall


Exhibition: Save a Planet

Art No: PP0475

Artwork Width: 130 CM (52 INCHES)

Artwork Height: 146 CM (58.4 INCHES)

Year Created: 2020

Medium: Oil

Surface: Canvas

Oil on canvas 4x 73cm x 65cm
The series consists of 4 canvases depicting the elements: fire, earth, air, water. By painting these pictures, I wanted to present the things that surround us all the time and that have remained unchanged for centuries. It is said that the world changes from day to day, that our life changes every day, that each epoch brings some news, and yet there are things that have existed for centuries and these are the elements. In our busy world, we do not realize that they are around us all the time. And only sometimes we pay attention to them when we breathe deeper in the fresh air right after rain or when we sit by the fireplace on winter evenings and look at the warmth of the fire. The elements were, are and will be. The world will change and they will accompany us throughout our lives. Let us pay attention to them.

Original Price: Upon Request
