Exhibition: Some Reflections of The Artist by ZAPLAFLORA


Exhibition Information

My special relationship with my works explains why I fully endorse the ideas of a colleague, who posted on Facebook in November 2023: “When you buy an artwork from an artist, you are buying more than an object. You are buying hundreds of hours of failed attempts, experiments, and challenges; you are buying years of frustration and moments of pure joy. You are buying a piece of a heart; a piece of a soul…a small piece of someone else´s life”. I leave you here with twenty little pieces of my life.

You will be pleasantly surprised by their singular and personalized style. In my visionary and evocative work, you will discover unexplored worlds and unique visions. I want you to feel free, comfortable, and relaxed. Let your imagination and instincts run wild. I hope you fully enjoy this tour through unexpected universes full of magic, fantasy, and spirituality.

I love my works, as I love my family. I have a very romantic relationship with all of them. In front of a painting in progress, I feel invaded by its spirit, that says to me: go forth; discover me; I still have got a lot inside.

And when I observe a finished painting, I feel the human greatness of creating, with such primitive elements as pencils, brushes, paint and canvas, colorful shapes and symbols that cheer my soul and set in motion my most fantastic dreams. Painting ignites my emotions, triggers my instincts and gives free rein to my imagination, to create an exclusive Art, that has the magical power of inspiring, provoking, and healing.

I am the best collector of my works. When I am surrounded by them, they take me back to the most primitive worlds; they show me never-before-seen inhabitants; they put me in touch with unconquered cultures…It is in those moments of pure contemplation of my works that I feel alive, because they nourish my spirit with those faces in the middle of their labyrinth of branches, roots, foliage, trees, forests, flowers and fruits, in spite of being in a huge urban city.

My paintings also allow me to confirm many theoretical and practical knowledge acquired throughout my life. They invite me to deeply meditate. They reinforce my conviction that we both, artist and works, are part of the same identity, of the same essence; that we belong to each other.

Location: Online Exhibition

Exhibition Dates: 29 Jul 2024 - 09 Aug 2024

Current Status: Exhibition