15 May 2023
At the beginning of the second week of “Rain” exhibition, let us do a recap of the artworks presented so far. Starting today, until Friday, you will see the other 10 selected artworks. Stay close and vote the artwork that will receive the “Popular Vote Award” -
Follow our gallery for daily updates! Within these two weeks, each of the 20 selected artworks will also be posted on all the gallery social media.
3 of the 20 works will be awarded with: Curator’s Award ($100); Gallery Award ($100) and a Popular Vote Award ($50) – for the work with the most “Likes” on the gallery website during the exhibition.
The 20 selected works will be announced on May 7, 2023. The “Gallery Prize”, “Curator’s Award” and the “Popular Vote Award” will be announced on May 21, 2023.
After the exhibition is over, we will keep the exhibition works available to the audience in the “Previous Exhibitions” section. After the Exhibition Catalog is ready, you will be able to download it for free from the exhibition page on our site.
Stay close for daily updates & enjoy art !