Exhibition: The Best of 2021
Art No: PP1423
Artwork Width: 530 CM (212 INCHES)
Artwork Height: 635 CM (254 INCHES)
Year Created: 2020
Medium: Other
Surface: Paper
TITLE: "Covid-19 Tsunami - Namibia"
The artwork depicts that Covid-19 have come to change our world in Africa, beauty and ugliness hidden behind the corona mask.
This pandemic is also a stark reminder of our dysfunctional relationship with nature and reminds one of the power of tsunami’s, earth quakes, eruption of new diseases as nature’s defense response against human destruction.
The necklace and chain around the neck symbolize a new kind of slavery for with immediate ramifications for the traveling hustling African individual surviving day by day on a hand to mouth basis, because the lockdown have distanced and disturbs them from their bread and butter business connections.
The high sea waves symbolize the disturbing angriness of nature towards greediness of mankind as we damage the ecosystems. The fish depicted in the artwork clearly express its resentment towards human race as their aquatic habitat is messed up by us as their fellow earth dwellers.
The large coin in the ominous dark sky reminds African countries that our leaders have wrecklessly negotiated our natural resources left and right as bounties for large financial debts loans, with both the eastern and western powers, with no hope or possibilities that any international debt will be written off in the near future.
It is against such a background that my awareness as an artist grew over the last months, and so systematically enabled me to embrace the absurdity of our paradoxical world, wherein we as humans of this planet are striving to co-exist. To the extent that such awareness also harnessed and inspired my artistic vocation, to ultimately create value and meaning through my artworks, as to why we need have the will to live on. … As said by Friedrich Nietzsche: “art exists so that reality does not destroy us”.
Original Price: Upon Request