
Us Together. Fighting

See on My wall


Exhibition: La scelta dei curatori (the choice of curators)

Art No: PP1812

Artwork Width: 30 CM (12 INCHES)

Artwork Height: 21 CM (8.4 INCHES)

Year Created: 2022

Medium: Watercolor

Surface: Watercolor Paper

This piece is on watercolour paper and is collage and Dr P H Martin watercolour inks. I was drawn to this image and story that I found in a national geographic magazine. It is the Samburu initiation ceremony that marks the start of adulthood. An elder is dressing the new warrior with the beads of its clan. The new warriors spend 15 years herding cattle, sheep, and goats. In northern Kenya pastoralism is under threat due to climate change and development. I was drawn to this image of the young warrior as I could see his doubt and fear of his journey in his face. I could feel the reassurance and care provided by the elder and pride.
A very special moment captured and reassembled in my art.
This artwork applies to the concept as perception of the elder and the young warrior could be different during the ceremony and therefore their memories of the event will alter. I believe during ceremony their emotions impacted their experience and their perception and ultimately the memory. Also, we don’t recall the same memory twice, it evolves as we age due to emotional side of what the event meant to us.
My interpretation is the statement of text on the art “us together. Fighting”. I interpret that these are the words the elder is whispering to the young warrior as he places on the beads of his clan.
Naturally this process has made me reflect on how I view my own memories. I thought about people in my past and present that have provided me with guidance and support and am grateful for. All the interactions and guidance I have memories of adds a bead to my warrior armour.
I believe everyone interprets art differently just like memories. I don’t think I own this image of the new warrior. But the artwork and my interpretation of the memories it brought up belong to me.
After I made this artwork. I wrote this short poem:
Us together. Fighting
We might be on an uphill battle
But we are us together. Fighting
Let’s prepare
Put our best foot forward
And away

Original Price: Upon Request
