Exhibition: Branches and Roots: Tree Studies
Art No: PP2622
Artwork Width: 21 CM (8.4 INCHES)
Artwork Height: 29 CM (11.6 INCHES)
Year Created: 2024
Medium: Other
Surface: Paper
Negative feelings engulf us all the time, and at times we become securely trapped by their firm grasp, so much so that what we're feeling and the security of holding on to those feelings become intertwined, just like the branches and roots of trees. "Branches of Malice" is a work that explores the intricate web of negative feelings which hold and weigh us down like twisted tree branches. Some people learn to let go of them, while others hold on to these feelings to the point of them becoming their family tree, their identity. The protagonist of this work is shown experiencing malicious feelings that surround her with every branch. Some didn't reach her yet, while others cover and obstruct her image.
Original Price: Upon Request