Exhibition: Touch
Art No: PP0959
Artwork Width: 30.48 CM (12 INCHES)
Artwork Height: 40.64 CM (16 INCHES)
Year Created: 2020
Medium: Pastels
Surface: Sandpaper
A “touching” image of two brothers in Guatemala. Not being privy to their private conversation, I could only wonder if “big brother” was going to share his chips with “little brother.” I could just imagine the little one reminding his brother that “Mama said to share.” But even if there was that moment of sibling rivalry, you can tell by how close they sit to each other that they are at ease and comforted by each other’s presence. I loved adding the tiny details to this painting – the older boy’s unzipped zipper, his sandal dangling on his foot, the younger one’s dirty shirt and hand-me-down jeans but obviously new pair of shoes.
Original Price: Upon Request